Tourism UP


With a generous natural landscape and welcoming residents, Tozeur is a city of exception! This city in southern Tunisia is home to a true Garden of Eden, in the center of a lush vegetation! The aridity of the desert is compensated by the beauty of the landscape stretching as far as the eye can see in the area. Tozeur is also a city of history as evidenced by its many monuments. The Medina has remained the same since the 16th century and seduces with its traditional architectural designs. Culture holds a central role in Tozeur. Several museums have been erected at the center of this southern city. At the Eden Palm, you can also discover the artisanal treasures that decorate it. You should also make a detour to visit the Dar Cherait museum. The oases are among the must-see attractions in Tozeur! A simple visit to one of them is enough to realize it. The oasis of Tozeur is amongst the most beautiful in the country. With its hundreds of palm trees and water springs, this oasis is the perfect place to enjoy your vacation. You can also explore the Arabian Nights theme park. Tozeur has everything to please. You will be able to have new experiences in the heart of the desert. In the streets of Ouled el-Hadef, the various souks will fill your suitcases with exceptional souvenirs. Finally, take the opportunity to visit the national park of Dghoumes or the zoo of the city.