Tourism UP

Kebili’s Scenic Getaways

The Kebili region is located between the city of Gabes (120 km), to the east, and the city of Tozeur (94 km), to the west. Kebili is the administrative center of the region with nearly 45,000 inhabitants and also shelters a large palm grove. A few kilometers away, towards the west of the city, we find the Mansourah oasis, near Telmin. This oasis is located where an ancient city once stood, of which only two large basins remain.

Located 27 km from Kebili, via a road that will allow you to contemplate the fabulous landscape, the city of Douz is the embodiment of the ideal oasis. Indeed, it is surrounded by beautiful sand dunes that stretch as far as the eye can see. This small peaceful town, called “the Gateway to the Desert”, has about 40,000 inhabitants, where you can still meet Tuareg sometimes. Not far from Douz, you will find the dune of Offra, the largest at the gates of the Sahara. You can also take part in one of the camel excursions that are offered in the region. From Douz, it is possible to continue westward through Zaafrane, where the Adhara settled, Sabria and its beautiful oasis, and finally El Faouar, 35 km from Douz, where the Ghrîb have settled. If the conditions allow it, it is possible to make a loop to regain Kebili along the trail of Chott-el-Jerid, while passing by Blidet.
